Eye testing

Our eye testing procedures are designed to diagnose your vision issues and eye diseases comprehensively. During the test, your ophthalmologist might ask you about your medical history including any vision problems you may be experiencing. With the support of the results of eye tests, your eye specialist will accurately diagnose the eye disease and decide the exact treatments which is most suited to you. Most common eye testing available in Panoa Eye Hospital includes

  • Refraction
  • Biometry
  • OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography)
  • Visual Evoked Potential (VEO)
  • Funduscopic Examination
  • Fundus Retinal Photography
  • Visual Field Analysis
  • Corneal Thickness Analysis
  • Specular Microscopy
  • Flash ERG and Pattern ERG
  • Electrooculography (EOG)
  • FFA (Fundus Fluorsescein Angiography)

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+94 332 215 561

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